Lesson 8. Kingdom Blueprint: Lucifer Version


Greetings, dear Bible students in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Welcome to Lesson 8. We do apologize for the missed post last week as we were busy working on audio lessons. Above every lesson, you will now find an audio version to give you more learning alternatives. You can now read, and listen and soon you will be able to watch these lessons. We pray to the Lord to continue empowering and patiently taking us through the rigorous process of making them.

Today’s lesson is sensitive towards culture and lifestyle, but please understand that its main objective is not to undermine any cultural beliefs but to explain their origins so that Christians have a better understanding of the traditional settings they were born into (in the flesh) and start pondering on how to live around, and respond to them. In this lesson we will take a look back at Chapter 10 to examine a spiritual revolution in the X era, that coincided with when God was planting the seed of salvation in Seth. After exhausting the study we shall go straight to Chapter 12.

The revolution in the X era was responsible for the formation and existence of all the ancient and present nations and kingdoms of the earth; it is represented by the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. From the kingdoms that were birthed in the X era arose all the kingdoms, nations, traditional culture, and by extension the social lifestyle of people living in the present political systems. Our major task therefore will be to explore the kingdoms formed during the X era and examine how they contributed to the generational timeline by giving rise to other kingdoms.

“We know that we are children of God and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one ” 1 John 5:19 NIV

Lucifer, through what we will call the Kingdom Blueprint Lucifer Version, strategically maneuvered and positioned himself as a major influencing power behind the origins and formation of the world’s kingdoms and powers, stemming from the three sons of Noah as detailed in chapter 10. Whether he positioned himself to cause the descendants of the Big 3 (for some reason I want to call Shem, Ham & Japheth that) to break up and reorganize into kingdoms or he merely took advantage of their break-up and reorganizing to introduce to them the kingdom idea, is a matter of individual or doctrinal point of view and argument.

As we theorized in Lesson 2, God’s Kingdom Blueprint can be compared to a project proposal with elements like a Problem Statement, Mission, Vision, Objectives, Activities, and Methodology. It’s reasonable to assume that Lucifer’s blueprint would have included similar components, making it somewhat comparable to God’s Kingdom Blueprint. But we should not go into examining all these aspects for his version of the blueprint (we should not give him that honor hahaha). In what we see in Genesis 10, we see only the need to examine just one aspect–Strategy! Lucifer likely used strategy to divide the world into smaller kingdoms, each assigned one or more spirits to influence their culture, worship, and more. Have you never marveled that in Luke 4: 5-6 Lucifer took Jesus on top of a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and said that they all belonged to him? Well, do you think he was lying? I bet you not. For even the son of God did not contest it. I know you have been stricken once by the fact that every kingdom set-up you have read about or that you belong to, whether mentioned in the Bible or beyond its pages, has a spiritual story (call it a legend) that explains why things are run– and why people in that culture behave the way they do– in respect towards a certain deity. Modern secular societies, especially in the West, seem to conceal this tendency with a certain contempt for these deities, yet deep inside their hearts they pay reverence to them, and they tremble before them. They worship them in the dark and ridicule them in the light. There is a lot to learn about how the Illuminati has shaped modernity (music, fashion, literature, language, technology, etc), how they run and control world governments and powers, and how they shape global Policy; and their core is shaped around very strong and highly strategic western deities (this is not a subject to waste time on though). The strongest reason why man’s spiritual response to deities or gods is still persistent (it can be faint, indirect, modernized, polished, or modified but still persistent) thousands of years down history is the fact that it is the foundation of man’s existence, or so the world seems to think. This fact seems to explain why and how individuals biologically belong wherever they belong, and understanding this brings a natural sense of belonging and peace to man. When an individual feels lost in this world they always tend to find their inner selves by looking into their past for their origin and connecting with it to find answers (by meditation and deep soul searching or through consulting mediums and spiritists). However, instead of Christians relying on cultural belonging to attain peace and pride, it is important to attain the same by knowing that ”…your names are written in the book of life” (Luke 10:20)

African cultures, for instance, largely believe that one cannot prosper in life if their ancestral spirits are not happy with them. African societies like Baganda of Uganda attribute the well-being of humans to how much they have pleased both the ‘ancient spirits’–Emisangwa (Emisambwa is said to be a mocking synonym) in Luganda or the dead ancestors (Bajaja which loosely means grandparents that have passed on). Most Christians in Africa find it very difficult to draw a line between ancestral spiritual worship (okusamila in Luganda) and Christian worship. Due to the forces of ancestry and nurture, they find themselves confused about how much a Christian should be involved in cultural rituals. There are what are termed unsafe practices (which may involve serious acts like sacrifices and appeasing) and safe practices (like circumcision, child-naming, and twins rituals). Most African spiritists condemn Christian worship as a white man’s culture, and God as the white man’s god. And by white man, they generally mean people from the USA or Britain. You would never blame them because these are the groups of people who made mission trips in Africa beginning in the 18th century to take Christianity to Africa for the first time (what adds salt to injury is the fact that the white Catholic and Anglican missionaries that took the gospel to Africa were but disguised yet, in reality, they intended to colonize their societies and ‘steal’ their taxes, cotton, gold and their children as slaves. Africans, even the most deeply converted, are generally disturbed by this fact). Through study, we shall see that the Whiteman’s God they talk about is a God of some group of people in the Middle East who was ‘exported’ to the Whiteman’s land (the same way He got exported to Africa) through what we know as the Gospel. It is one of the reasons why this lesson is important.

Let’s now dig into what we theorize happened in Genesis 10, in the spiritual world. In essence, Lucifer began the business of appointing different subordinate demons to establish the foundation of kingdoms, using this strategy to build his realm in opposition to God’s kingdom. From listening to many legends and folklore, you will discover that Lucifer made man believe this lie: that while there is one almighty God, this God assigned different deities specific roles in managing earthly affairs– water, rain, sun, moon, giving children, etc– on His behalf. So these gods can be worshipped just like God Himself. I know this is not new to you too. You have probably heard of a sun god, moon god, or fertility god, and you very well know how they are called in your mother tongue.

This lie, let’s call it “the major diversion,” is a very serious deceptive tactic by the devil to justify worshipping other gods as divine agents—unbeknownst to believers, these agents are Lucifer’s agents. It has wrongly shaped how people perceive religion, God, and gods. Some believe God and ancestral gods can be worshipped side-by-side, others believe gods are more practically powerful than God, others believe everyone should believe what they think is right, others believe the white man is trying to ridicule other people’s gods, others believe religion is just but a business strategy and/or a general system to put the world in order and control evil so that people can be peacefully governed, blah blah blah.  This confusion is good news to the devil.

Let us go back to the kingdoms: Through these kingdoms and the appointed deities, Lucifer promoted the sinful nature; he catalyzed the Sin Problem. He ensured that these kingdoms were established in such a way as to augment and glory in disunity, sexual immorality, suffering, pain, murder, deceit, envy, pride, greed, distortion of truth, and a distraction from God. And he fashioned this in such a way that the people that were playing major roles in promoting these were glorified and found much pleasure in it. These were mainly the kings! How did he do this? Well, he set up ideologies and concepts. He made these ideologies and concepts the pillars of kingdoms; pillars on which all kingdoms were to thrive and grow. And then he used them to promote evil. Some of these ancient ideologies and practices have shaped contemporary leadership and politics, perpetuating sinful acts across the history of humanity recorded in the Bible and past the Bible era. Come to think of it, have you ever wondered why a king in your culture can have as many wives and concubines as he desires, or why taxes should be collected by one person and used as one pleases? Those two examples might seem normal situations to you because you’ve grown up being taught loyalty to your king, but hey don’t those acts strike you as adultery and exploitation? Why should someone be working hard all day, but one other person takes his harvest away to feed himself and his family? See, in the kingdom setting this is nicely polished to appear acceptable and a sign of loyalty. Even the oppressed are glad to be oppressed. Why? Because the people who benefit from these acts are mighty; are admired and adored. Everyone wants to be king, right?

Task: Look into your culture and identify those practices which, though you might not say out, are sinful according to scripture.

Now let us look deeply at some of these kingdom pillars that have for a long time made kings (and later political leaders) so powerful and admired, so much so that no one ever thinks that what makes them powerful and admired is sinful, and so in admiring them we are admiring sin:

  1. Wars for Expansion: Military campaigns were designed by kings to expand their territories and influence. The more territory a king seizes the more respected and influential he becomes.

Negative Aspect: Through wars fueled by greedy imperialistic ambitions, man was killing fellow man through war; and prolonged conflicts robbed man of peace, stability, and love for fellow man. Kings were rarely involved in direct combat, they and their families were safe while other men sacrificed to be killed. Sometimes the reasons for war were petty and stupid and didn’t deserve the murders they caused.

  1. Taxation for Public Services: Kings did levy taxes on common men to fund essential public services and infrastructure, and to build themselves big beautiful palaces and castles.

Negative Aspect: Excessive or unfair taxation can lead to economic inequality, resentment, exploitation, and social unrest. In a way, man was exploiting his fellow man by forcing him to work for him for his selfish gain. This is outright greed. Most times the reason for big palaces was to show off.

  1. Monarchical sexual Liberties: In most cultures kings and men of prestige were granted liberty to have whichever woman they wished as wife or concubine. In later times, kings would take on young men for casual homosexual activities.

Negative Aspect: This promoted sexual exploitation and misuse, homosexuality, adultery, prostitution and fornication, and all kinds of sexual immorality. Roman and Greek kings were especially notorious for this. Kings had the power to do just anything and explore their fantasies, and they found sexual games, punishment sex, orgies, and homosexuality interesting areas of sexual exploration and pleasure.

  1. Slavery for Economic Prosperity: Kingdoms utilized and boasted in forced labor of slaves captured mostly in wars and campaigns, as well as people that were considered inferior in cultural set-ups to boost economic productivity,

Negative Aspect: Slavery involves the exploitation and dehumanization of man by fellow man, perpetuating systemic injustice. Here man was inflicting pain on fellow man for economic gain.

  1. Patriotism and Suppression of Dissent: Kings encouraged and forced their subjects to bear patriotism to ensure loyalty and unity.

Negative Aspect: Suppressing dissent in the name of patriotism can lead to a lack of accountability, stifling political discourse and individual freedoms at the expense of others. What was being promoted here was injustice in favor of those in royal positions that would not be condemned, because it was permitted by the kingdom system set-up, and speaking against it was considered unpatriotic or even treasonous and was heavily and brutally punished.

  1. Feudalism and Serfdom: Feudalism and Serfdom are interconnected concepts wherein land ownership is linked to a system of serfdom, primarily designed to enhance agricultural productivity and benefit royal systems. Serfdom is a socio-economic system in which individuals, known as serfs, are bound to the land they work on and are under the control of a lord or landowner. In this system, serfs are not free to leave the land, and their labor is typically obligated to support the economic needs and interests of the landowner. Serfs often lived in a state of dependency, lacking personal freedom and subjected to the authority of the ruling class. Serfdom was prevalent in medieval Europe and other parts of the world, representing a form of unfree labor and social hierarchy. Feudalism is a social, economic, and political system where land is the primary source of wealth and power, and society is structured hierarchically. The key components of feudalism include. The land is owned by a monarch or a powerful noble, known as the lord or liege, who grants portions of land to vassals in exchange for loyalty, military service, and other obligations. Vassals are individuals who receive land (fiefs) from the lord and, in return, pledge allegiance and military support. Vassals may have their vassals, creating a hierarchical structure.

Negative Aspect: Feudalism and serfdom, with their inherent structures of hierarchy and exploitation, can be seen as tools the devil employs to sow discord among humanity, fostering social injustice, limiting individual freedom, and perpetuating a system that oppresses the vulnerable, leading to the erosion of moral values and the promotion of evil.

  1. Divine Right of Kings: This concept asserts that monarchs/kings are chosen by or are representatives of a higher power, such as a deity, and their rule is considered to be legitimate and ordained by divine will. Sometimes kings referred to themselves as gods in human forms. This idea was prevalent in various historical societies, and it often had significant implications for the political and social structures of those times. In many instances, kings made human sacrifices and burnt children in fires to appease gods to keep them in power.

Negative Aspect: Whether it is true or not that kings were chosen by gods, it is evident that they used this to exploit, suppress, and inflict pain on the common men. This promoted pain, suffering, hate, and division according to social classes that led to disunity.

  1. Imperialism and Resource Exploitation: Kings prided in expanding influence to exploit resources from other regions.

Negative Aspect: Imperialistic practices often lead to the exploitation of native populations, wars and murders, economic inequality, manipulation, and environmental degradation (yet God created man to care for the creation, not to destroy it).

We assume that the above concepts were put in place so that through admiring the kings who practiced them, those who sought to be kingly would have to adopt the above characteristics and so the world would (1) would be filled with evil through admiration of those that practiced it (2) evil was to be seen as a source of power and admiration, but acceptably harmful.


Formation of Kingdoms and their ancient gods/deities across eras.

The Bible delineates the genealogies of the three sons of Noah—the BIG 3—in Genesis 10, providing a foundation for the subsequent formation of various kingdoms. Now let us study some key kingdoms, the gods behind their formation, and how they shaped historical and modern-day politics. Please click here


  1. Kingdoms from the Descendants of Japeth.

Gomer: Linked to the ancient Cimmerians, situated north of the Black Sea, contributing to the Scythian culture.

Magog: Associated with diverse groups, possibly the Scythians or related peoples dwelling in the Eurasian steppes.

Javan: Traditionally identified with the Ionians or Greeks, influencing the Hellenistic culture.

Tubal: Associated with the Tabal people in Anatolia, contributing to the cultural tapestry of the region.


Kingdoms of Japheth in the BC, and AD eras. Click here

The Greeks and Romans established powerful city-states and empires, conquering and annexing other kingdoms and contributing significantly to classical civilization.

Kingdom/Empire of Greece

Greeks: The ancient Greeks, descendants of Japheth, had a pantheon of gods led by Zeus, Hera, Athena, and others. These gods played significant roles in Greek mythology and religion.

Ancient Greece:

Athenian Empire (454–404 BCE): Athens, a leading city-state in ancient Greece, established an empire through the Delian League. The league aimed to protect Greek city-states from Persian invasions, but Athens eventually turned it into an Athenian maritime empire.

Alexander the Great’s Conquests (334–323 BCE): Although Macedonian, Alexander the Great expanded his empire significantly, conquering Persian territories, Egypt, and parts of India. His conquests spread Hellenistic culture across a vast region.

Hellenistic Kingdoms (circa 323–31 BCE): After Alexander’s death, his empire was divided among his generals, leading to the establishment of several Hellenistic kingdoms, including the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt and the Seleucid Empire in the Middle East. Later the Greeks were overthrown by the Romans.

Kingdom/Empire of Rome

Romans: The Romans, also descendants of Japheth, had a similar pantheon with gods like Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. Roman mythology was heavily influenced by Greek mythology.

Ancient Rome, BC Era:

Roman Republic (509–27 BCE): Rome evolved from a republic to a dominant power in the Mediterranean. The Punic Wars with Carthage (264–146 BCE) and the conquest of various Mediterranean regions expanded Roman influence.

Roman Empire (27 BCE–476 CE): The Roman Empire, established by Augustus, became one of the largest empires in history. It included territories in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The Pax Romana (27 BCE–180 CE) marked a period of relative peace and stability.

Conquests of Julius Caesar (58–50 BCE): Julius Caesar, a Roman general, conquered Gaul (modern-day France), significantly expanding Roman territories and influence.


Japeth Kingdoms in the AD Era

Various European kingdoms emerged, including those in the Medieval and Renaissance periods, each with its unique cultural and religious Medieval Period:

The Frankish Empire (481–843): Under rulers like Charlemagne, the Frankish Empire expanded in Western Europe, laying the foundations for the Holy Roman Empire.

The Byzantine Empire (330–1453): The continuation of the Roman Empire in the East, centered around Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire played a crucial role in preserving and transmitting classical knowledge.

Renaissance Period: The Kingdom of Spain (1479–1714): Unified by Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, Spain became a powerful kingdom, sponsoring exploration and experiencing the Renaissance’s cultural and artistic revival.

The Kingdom of England (871–1707): England saw the consolidation of power under monarchs like Henry VIII. The Elizabethan era marked a flourishing of literature and the arts.

The Kingdom of France (987–1792): The Capetian dynasty established the Kingdom of France, which played a central role in the Renaissance and later became a major power in Europe.


Japhethites in the Present Day

In the present day, the descendants of Japheth are associated with a diverse range of modern nations across Europe, and their cultural, religious, and political landscapes have evolved over the centuries.

  1. Germany: Home to influential figures like Beethoven and Goethe, Germany has a rich cultural heritage with significant contributions to classical music, literature, and philosophy.
  2. Italy: The birthplace of the Renaissance, Italy has a profound impact on art, literature, and architecture. Cities like Florence and Rome are cultural hubs.
  3. France: Known for its art, fashion, and cuisine, France has a strong cultural presence globally. Paris is often referred to as the “City of Lights.”
  4. United Kingdom: Home to Shakespeare and the Beatles, the UK has a vibrant cultural scene. London is a global financial and cultural center.
  5. Indo-European Peoples: Various Indo-European groups, linked to Japheth, developed their own mythologies and pantheons. For instance, the Norse gods like Odin, Thor, and Freyja were part of the mythology of the Germanic peoples.


  1. Kingdoms from the Descendants of Ham

(See here)

Cush: Often connected to the Kingdom of Kush in Nubia (modern Sudan), a powerful civilization known for its trade and military prowess.

Mizraim: Generally associated with ancient Egypt, a monumental civilization with a complex pantheon including Ra, Osiris, and Isis.

Put: Linked to regions in North Africa, influencing the cultures of North African peoples.

Canaan: Associated with the Canaanite peoples, inhabiting the biblical promised land and worshiping deities like Baal.


Kingdoms of Ham in the BC Era

In the BC period, the descendants of Ham played pivotal roles in the development of influential civilizations, each associated with distinct pantheons and cultural practices:

Cush (Kingdom(s) of Kush):

Timeframe: Approximately 8th century BCE to 4th century CE.

Significance: The Kingdom of Kush, situated in Nubia (modern Sudan), boasted trade and military prowess. Its cultural tapestry included reverence for deities linked to Nubian traditions.

Cush is also the great ancestor of Nimrod the founder of Babylon who became a mighty warrior on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD.” From Genesis 10:6-10, the descendants of Ham are listed, and among them is Cush. Cush, in turn, is identified as the father of Nimrod. Nimrod founded the first centers of his kingdom: Babylon, Uruk, Akkad, and Kalneh, in Shinar (he also built Nineveh in Assyria alongside other Assyrian cities). Nimrod’s association with Babylon is significant in biblical history, and his name is often linked with the early establishment of the city and the subsequent development of the region. The genealogical account in Genesis 10:6-10 provides the scriptural basis for understanding Nimrod’s connection to the city of Babylon. But the descendants of Shem were the major settlers in Babylon though they never built it. So to fully understand the deities behind Babylon, one has to study the gods of the different Semite people that settled in Babylon (See the kingdoms of Shem).


Mizraim (Ancient Egypt):

Timeframe: Around 3100 BCE to 332 BCE (conquest by Alexander the Great).

Significance: Ancient Egypt, identified with Mizraim, thrived along the Nile. Its monumental structures, such as the pyramids, reflected a complex pantheon, including gods like Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Mizraim is the ancestor of Philistia and is associated with Dagon worship.

Put (North African Regions):

Timeframe: Ancient times, with specific dates varying.

Significance: Put’s association with North African regions influenced cultural practices and may have shaped belief systems with unique gods and deities.

Canaan (Canaanite Peoples):

Timeframe: Around the 15th century BCE to the 6th century BCE.

Significance: The Canaanite peoples, residing in the biblical promised land before being unsettled, worshipped a pantheon of deities, notably Baal.


Kingdoms of Ham in present-day

North Africa:

Countries such as Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia are often associated with the descendants of Ham. The populations in these regions are ethnically diverse, with Arab, Berber, and other ethnic groups.

Horn of Africa:

Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti are countries in the Horn of Africa, traditionally linked to the descendants of Ham. This region is home to various ethnic groups, including Amhara, Oromo, Tigray, and Somali. It is highly possible that East African kingdoms like Buganda, Busoga, Ankole, and Nyamwezi migrated from these regions southwards along the Nile. Legends from the Baganda narrate a story of the first Muganda Kintu and Nambi, deities, who came from Heaven and descended on Earth. This legend though twisted can be assimilated with the story of the send-away of Lucifer and his angels. These deities are the founding deities of the Buganda kingdom. The twist in this story shows that these deities were on good terms with Gulu (God Almighty). The Baganda worship other Misangwa like Musoke for rain, etc.

Middle East:

Some Middle Eastern populations are also considered descendants of Ham. This includes groups in countries like Sudan, South Sudan, and Chad. The ethnic makeup in these areas is diverse, encompassing Arab, Nubian, and other ethnicities. East African tribes like the Luo may be of this descent because their contemporary history shows that they migrated from the Sudan several centuries ago. According to historians, they came from the Upper Nile region or Bahr el-Ghazal in the Sudan. East African history has a mention of Hamites and Nilo-Hamites.


  1. Kingdoms from the Descendants of Shem

(See here)

The descendants of Shem, as described in the biblical genealogy, are traditionally associated with various Semitic peoples in the ancient Near East. The sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram.

Sumer (Shinar):

Timeframe: 4th millennium BCE to 2nd millennium BCE.

Deities: The Sumerians worshipped a pantheon of gods, including Anu (sky god), Enlil (storm god), and Inanna (goddess of love and war) as well as Enki, the Sumerian god of wisdom (who legends say played a big role in shaping human destiny) and Nergal who was responsible for strife and chaos.



Timeframe: 24th century BCE to 21st century BCE.

Deities: The Akkadian pantheon included deities such as Marduk (chief god), Ishtar (goddess of love and fertility), and Ea (god of wisdom and water).

Aram/Syria: This kingdom was of descendants of Aram. Aram’s sons were Uz (Job 1:1?), Hul, Gether, and Mash. Aramean deities included Hadad, Resheph, Atargatis, Asherah, and Shamash.



Genesis 10:22-23 quotes: “The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash.” Asshur is mentioned as the son of Shem, and the founder of the city of Asshur, which became the capital of the Assyrian Empire.

The Assyrians themselves traced their ancestry back to the god Ashur, and their early history is shrouded in myth and legend. Nonetheless, the link between Asshur and the Assyrians is widely accepted, and it is believed that the Assyrians were one of the many groups that emerged from the ancient Near East in the aftermath of the Great Flood.

Timeframe: 24th century BCE to 609 BCE.

Deities: Assyrian gods included Ashur (chief god), Ishtar (goddess of love and war), and Nabu (god of wisdom and writing).

Babylon: Babylon was an ancient city-state located in Mesopotamia, in what is now modern-day Iraq. The city of Babylon was founded around 2300 BC by the Amorite prince Sumu-album, and it became the capital of the Babylonian Empire under the rule of Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 BC. The Babylonians worshipped a pantheon of deities, including Marduk, the chief god of Babylon, Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and Ea, the god of wisdom and magic. The city of Babylon was also known for its impressive architecture and engineering, including the Hanging Gardens, which were built by King Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century BC.

Babylon fell to the Persians under the rule of King Cyrus the Great in 539 BC, ending the Babylonian Empire. The city was later conquered by Alexander the Great in 331 BC, and it gradually declined in importance over the following centuries. The ruins of Babylon are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination.

Timeframe: 19th century BCE to 539 BCE.

Deities: Babylonian gods included Marduk (chief god), Ishtar (goddess of love and fertility), and Nabu (god of wisdom and writing).


Medo-Persia (Achaemenid Empire):

The Medo-Persian Empire was an ancient kingdom that emerged in the 6th century BC, after the fall of the Babylonian Empire. The Medes and Persians were two distinct groups that joined forces to create a powerful empire that spanned much of the Middle East.  According to the Bible, the Medes were descendants of Madai, the son of Japheth, while the Persians were descendants of Elam, the son of Shem. Genesis 10:22-23 says: “The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash.” Elam is mentioned as the son of Shem, and his descendants became known as the Elamites, who were one of the most powerful and influential groups in ancient Persia.

The Medo-Persian Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great, who conquered the Medes in 550 BC and went on to conquer Lydia, Babylon, and other neighboring kingdoms. The empire was known for its vast size, military strength, and cultural diversity, and it was ruled by a succession of powerful kings, including Darius the Great and Xerxes I.

The religion of the Medo-Persian Empire was a form of Zoroastrianism, which was a monotheistic religion that emphasized the worship of a single god, Ahura Mazda. The empire declined in the 4th century BC due to a combination of internal strife and external pressures from the Greeks and Macedonians.

Timeframe: 6th century BCE to 330 BCE.

Deities: The ancient Persians followed Zoroastrianism, a monotheistic religion with Ahura Mazda as the supreme god and Angra Mainyu as the evil spirit.


  1. Minor Kingdoms formed from the above kingdoms, later down the descent line and their Origins:
  2. Moab and Ammon:

These are descendants of Lot and they formed distinct entities east of the Jordan River in the land of Canaan. Lot was the son of Haran, son of Terah descendant of Shem through Arphaxad. Though their ancestor Lot was originally from the Babylonian region, their settlement was in the Mediterranean region, east of the Jordan River in the Canaan region, when Abraham, their father’s uncle migrated to Canaanland with Lot but later broke up with him. Their formation was from a sinful act of incest between Lot and his two daughters (Genesis 19: 30-38). For Ammon, the chief god was Milcom or Moloch, who was often depicted as a bull or a man with a bull’s head. Other significant deities included Ashtar-Chemosh, the goddess of fertility and war, and Baal-Hamon, the god of rain and fertility. In Moab, the god Chemosh was the primary deity, and he was often associated with war and human sacrifice.


  1. Edom:

These are descendants of Esau (Edom), situated southeast of Canaan. Esau was first born son to Isaac, son to Abraham, son to Terah descendant of Shem through Arphaxad. Their formation was from intermarriages with the troublesome Canaanite women though his blood was from the Babylonian region through his ancestors (Genesis 36).

In ancient times, the kingdom of Edom was also associated with various gods and goddesses. The primary deity was Qos, who was often depicted as a bull or a human with a bull’s head. Qos was considered the god of war and hunting and was also associated with the sun. Another important deity was Ashtar-Chemosh, the goddess of love, fertility, and war, who was also worshiped in neighboring kingdoms. Other gods and goddesses associated with Edom included Atar, the god of the morning star, and Nergal, the god of death and the underworld.


  1. Philistines:

These are descendants of Casluhim, son to Mizraim (Egypt), and son to Cush, they formed distinct entities east of the Jordan River in the land of Canaan along the Mediterranean coast, becoming adversaries of the Israelites. Their worship included deities such as Dagon (fish god) and Astarte (goddess of love and war).


  1. Canaanites:

These are descended from Canaan, son of Ham. They include Sidon, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites, and Hamathites. These are mostly spread across Bible history in the TorCanaan an ancient region that encompassed parts of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria.

The Canaanites were a polytheistic people who worshiped a pantheon of gods and goddesses. The most prominent deity was El, the father of the gods and the god of creation, who was often associated with the sky. Baal, the god of storms and fertility, was another significant deity and was sometimes depicted holding a thunderbolt or a mace. Other notable gods included Anat, the goddess of war and love, and Asherah, the goddess of fertility and motherhood. Canaanites also worshiped several lesser-known gods and goddesses, each associated with various aspects of life such as agriculture, hunting, and the sea.

The analogy of Babylon and Tyre

In the Bible, the kingdoms of Babylon and Tyre are depicted as being under the influence of Satan or Lucifer, who is seen as a powerful and malevolent figure opposing the will of God.  In the book of Revelation, Babylon is described as a great city that represents all that is evil and corrupt in the world. It is said to be a place of luxury and excess, where people indulge in sin and immorality. Babylon is also associated with the Antichrist, a figure who opposes God and seeks to establish his own rule on earth.

Similarly, in the book of Ezekiel, the city-state of Tyre is depicted as a place of wealth and commerce, where people engage in trade and profit at the expense of others. However, God addresses the king of Tyre as if speaking to Lucifer himself, suggesting that the spirit behind the kingdom of Tyre is under the influence of Satan.

These are the main among many kingdoms whose origin and formation were based on gods and deities. Once again, though this study is sensitive to cultures, it opens a Christian’s mind and helps them approach teachings on culture with a wider picture other than an inside-the-box view that might tempt them to make half-baked and irrational sermons on the subject matter. But before we call it a day, I hope you have noted that Israel, a minor kingdom descending out of Shem has not been included on this list (and neither has Ishmael whom we shall exhaust when looking at the story of Abraham, and what the book of Hebrew speaks about him). Well, Israel is the only kingdom, inside and outside Bible pages that wasn’t formed by the influence of Lucifer’s gods and deities. It was formed in a very special way, through a chosen man called Abraham. Why? Because it was chosen to bear the seed of salvation. See you next week…

8 thoughts on “Lesson 8. Kingdom Blueprint: Lucifer Version”

  1. Woah….!!! Woah……!!! Woah…!!!
    What a lesson!!!
    Am not so good at History but even though you’re so dull(if it’s the right word to use),you can’t leave this lesson empty, I have enjoyed the lesson from it’s intricate form, and I have really learned much.

    1. Scope Bible School

      Thanks for investing your time in taking these lessons and understanding them. They will be handy to you and your ministry so that you minister what you understand. God bless you, Hidden.

  2. Thank you so much Our teacher, Tr Josh , this leason isn’t that easy to understand, it has been very tough but you have really given well detailed explanation for people like me who are not so good at History to understand, learning is a must as long as one has attended to the leason,👌👌👌👌👌

    With all am learning here, I believe one day, would it be tomorrow or the next day, I will also stand as one of the best theologians 💪💪💪💪.
    In every lesson, am learning new things . I thank God the Almighty that is Using you so Mightly, and my prayer is , .. May God give you more knowledge, wisdom and power plus life to serve Him Mightly , Amen.🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Scope Bible School

    Amen, Hidden. One of the most important things is to understand these lessons in two styles: the 360-degree and the 180-degree styles. The 360 degrees is the general story that is connected to form the salvation story. The 180 degrees are the details that form this major story.

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