About Us

Welcome to Scope Christian Ministries! Experience Christ’s love through our dynamic ministry, both online and offline. Our ministry offers biblical study lessons, Christian worship music, and support for children in need.

Biblical knowledge is made accessible for pastors, church leaders, Bible students, evangelists, ministers, and everyone else through specialized materials such as Bible Maps, Charts/Illustrations, Timelines, Audio Bibles, Study Bibles, Commentaries, etc. These resources meet diverse study needs and are available online on our website, podcasts, and streaming channels, as well as offline through radio, TV, and physical Bible classes/conferences.

Our goal is to practically minister Christ’s love by addressing specific spiritual and physical needs and providing training. Join us in person or online to benefit from our services for your ministry and spiritual life.

Please, be a part of our online and offline fundraising campaign to provide a home, church, food, education, clean water, etc., for orphans and street children. Reach out to us or visit our social media for more information.

For our Vision, Mission & Objectives

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Scope Christian Ministries
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